Weekly Health Talk Radio From 1995-2015
Frankly Speaking on 930 WBEN-AM, Mind Matters on Oldies 104.1 FM, Highlights on Health on WHLD-AM, Spotlight on Health on WECK-AM 1230 & WJYE-FM 96.1
From 2022-Ongoing
MindSet 2022-2023 - a Podcast by Tom McNulty, M.S.
On Buzzsprout, Spotify, Amazon, iHeart, Podchaser, Apple, and many more!
Featuring mental illness, addiction, neurology, and the integration of medical and behavioral health.

MindSet Sponsors

My friend, Avi Israel, Founder of Save The Michaels of The World. You will not find a more passionate and dedicated man, husband, father, and humanitarian for those confronted with addiction and suicide. Sadly, Avi and his wife, Julie lost their son, Michael, a teenager, to opioids Please support his not for profit organization. Here with Tom McNulty.
Captain Mike Licata, Sheriff Timothy B. Howard, Lisa Vidal and Tom McNulty on Spotlight on Health on 96.1 JOY-FM WJYE-FM Buffalo, N.Y.
Dr. Katie Grimm, internal medicine/pediatrics and Sue Ventresca, R.N., City of Buffalo Public Schools did two shows about the physical and emotional impact of trauma with an emphasis on children. Dr. Grimm, Tom McNulty and Sue Ventresca are all Fellows of the Fellows Action Network in Western New York. A CD of the two shows is available for free.
Dr. Mark Frost, neurologist and sleep disorder expert at DENT Neurologic Institute and Tom McNulty, Host, Spotlight on Health. (716) 250-2000 or www.dentinstitute.com. DENT Neurologic Institute is the largest neurology and neuroscience research practice in the USA.
Dr. Lawrence Gugino, Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Mercy Hospital of Buffalo with Host, Tom McNulty on Spotlight on Health. Dr. Gugino spoke of his support for ,and referrals to, Dr. Lani Burkman of LifeCell Dx.
Dr. Lani J. Burkman, andrologist, research scientist, infertility expert and founder of LifeCell Dx in Amherst, New York along with host, Tom McNulty. Dr. Burkman is a listener favorite because of her range of expertise and her advocacy for couples struggling with infertility. Go to LifeCell Dx on Facebook or www.lifecelldx.com. Despite so much ignorance by those who still see infertility as "the woman's problem" (including many OB/GYNs and urologists), Dr. Burkman's work, research, and patent received international recognition from foreign governments concerned about low birth rates (European countries, Japan, South Korea (sent a news crew to Buffalo twice), China, South America (so many male smokers), Australia, and Canada. American doctors, WAKE UP!
Dale Mussen, Producer of Spotlight on Health, Dr. Henry Meltzer of Mercy Hospital Heart Center and WNY Cardiology Group with Host, Tom McNulty
Research scientist and endocrinologist, Dr. Paresh Dandona from the Diabetes and Endocrinology Center of WNY with Tom McNulty, Host of Spotlight on Health on 96.1 JOY-FM WJYE Buffalo, New York. Sponsored by DENT Neurologic Institute, LifeCell Dx, Hemophilia Center of WNY, Hemostasis Thrombosis Lab of WNY and Mercy Hospital
Robert A. Gianfagna, M.D., FACC, cardiologist at Buffalo Heart Group and Mercy Hospital and CTA expert, Dr. Gerald Joyce with Tom McNulty, Host, Spotlight on Health on 96.1 JOY-FM
Umar Adeyola, Founder of HEART, Renata Toney, Marketing Consultant to HEART and Host, Tom McNulty at JOY-FM 96.1 Spotlight on Health - Now In It's 10th Year!
Spotlight on Health producer, Dale Mussen, Dr. Lee Guterman, neurosurgeon at Catholic Health's Mercy Hospital and Host, Tom McNulty
Erie County Department of Mental Health, Commissioner Ellery Reaves and Host, Tom McNulty
Everything in healthcare begins with creative people like Aimee Gomlak, a nationally-acclaimed healthcare consultant - formally with Catholic Health for 20+ years. Aimee is an amazing talent and a great guest.
Rob Moore, formerly of maxIT Healthcare, now Moore for Kids and Tom McNulty on Spotlight on Health. Rob, and wife, Kristi, became regular supporters of Christmas Angels and WNY HEROES, Inc. - a local veteran organization.
Dr. Steve Dofitas, neurologist at DENT Neurologic Institute, Dr. John Fitzpatrick, Lab Director and Laurie Reger, Executive Director at the Hemostasis Thrombosis Lab of WNY (and Hemophilia Center of WNY) with Host, Tom McNulty. Laurie has done a phenomenal job for both organizations.
Dale Mussen, Producer, Tom McNulty and Dr. Gale Burstein, Commissioner of Health, Erie County, New York . Dr. Burstein was a wonderful guest - clearly a dedicated professional.

Spotlight on Health came on the air in 2003 with host, Tom McNulty and producer, Bob Hill. Bob moved to Florida in 2012 and Dale Mussen from WYRK-FM stepped in to be our producer. Tom has been doing talk radio since 1995 when he got his start on WBEN with Frankly Speaking, a show he hosted for four years. He also was the first in WNY to do a show exclusively on behavioral health. Mind Matters aired on Oldies 104 WHTT-FM in 1998.
Spotlight on Health is produced by Spotlight on Hope, Inc..
From the beginning, the show has had loyal sponsors, including DENT Neurologic Institute, Mercy Hospital, People, Inc., Success Stories, Inc. More recently, male infertility company, LifeCell Dx and Heads Up Business became full sponsors.
The show is 30-minutes and covers critical health, medical and behavioral health information from local and national experts. It is also Simulcast at www.wjye.com.
Spotlight on Health aired on Sunday mornings on 96.1 JOY-FM (now The Breeze 96.1)
I owe much of my success to my fantastic and loyal sponsors and my friend and producer, Bob Hill. Together, Bob and I put out some important, life-saving information and we have fun doing it. Later, I had the honor to work with Dale Mussen - a true professional at his craft on WYRK-FM as a deejay and as my producer. Thanks, Bob Hill and Dale Mussen!
Bob Hill, award-winning producer of Spotlight on Health and Tom McNulty, host - a team for more than 10+ years! Bob is my buddy and a real pro at his work!
Dr. Jennifer McVige and J. Aubrey Duquin, Ph.D join Tom McNulty to talk about DENT Neurologic Institute's great work regarding concussions.
Erie County Executive, Mark Polancarz addressed health care issues in Erie County. Congrats, Mark! The people have tuned-in!
Rev. Jeff Carter, Mark Simon, CEO of UNYTS, Tom McNulty and Ezmeralda Sierra from Upstate New York Transplant Services (UNYTS)
Maria Caserta, Director of Marketing, DENT Neurologic Institute, Tom McNulty and Dr. Joseph Fritz, Executive Director, DENT Neurologic Institute...Sponsoring the show since 2003...Thank You.
Dr. Laszlo L. Mechtler, neurologist, neuo-oncologist, Director of Headache Center at DENT Neurologic Institute, co-director of the WNY Neuro-Oncology Center at Roswell Park Cancer Institute and Tom McNulty, Host of Spotlight on Health.
Candace Garrity, nurse practitioner and Certified Breast Cancer Navigator for Catholic Health, Bob Hill, Tom McNulty and Dr. Ronald Bauer, Catholic Health surgical oncologist, also with Breast Care WNY (716) 332-6834
Dr. Julie Gavin, OB/GYN in Kenmore, New York, Tom McNulty and Kimberly Trent of Trent Communications in Orchard Park, New York.

Joe McDonald, CEO, Catholic Health, Tom McNulty and Bob Hill
Dr. Lani Burkman, Founder and Chief Science Officer at LifeCell Dx. Internationally recognized expert in male infertility. What an incredible show! Go to www.lifecelldx.com to learn more. Dr. Burkman was so ahead of her field in andrology. Sadly, even today, most people believe infertility is the female's problem. Dr. Burkman was one of my favorite guests.
Tom McNulty with a real class act - one of Buffalo's best psychiatrists, Dr. Jeffrey Grace, Buffalo Psychiatric Center. I've known Jeff for more than 20 years and he truly cares!